Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Witch Fire 2007



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Anonymous said...

Then don't you think the rest of us should be able to make the "personal choice" to return. I think it goes both ways there friend.

jrtfan12 said...

Just got reliable news that the pony farm up on 78 is safe, but five or more houses around there are lost.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to the Sentinel for this outlet. I am frustrated also with the lack of information. It does seem like the media has given so much coverage to RB when Ramona has suffered invisibly to the world. I agree with earlier comments about the fact that we should be able to go back and then also that being with no water for 5 five peolpe would get just as old and tiring as living out the bag that you packed. However, i don't agree when people say they aren't leaving next time. That is just a situation that should be avoided. I left my home in Julian three times before and now my home in RAmona. The house was always OK, but it is not worth the risk. So I have it--next time we all get this forced vacation and the animals are ok, lets rent a charter boat and take a vacation--LOL. Not to make light of anything, but here we sit waiting to wait more. We have all this time off and we (I)sit with the kids and the dogs and birds and the cats and the rat. Just rambling. Good luck to everyone. Hopefully we will be back soon. Hang in there.

Unknown said...

Thank you to the Sentinal for the great coverage (I take back all the bad stuff I've said about you in the past)!!!! I moved to Montana a year ago & I miss & will always love Ramona. The computer (& a few friends who did not evacuate) has been my only source of info. I'm looking for my Aunt Vonnie (Joey) Miretti they live(d) at 2215 Pamo Rd. (right before the dump, across the street from the house w/ the windmill. Am also looking for Kevin Shimer & Cindy Harvey. any info would be much appreciated!
My thoughts & prayers are with everyone.
P.S. you can get road closure info @

Anonymous said...

STOP trying to be heroes and let the real heroes do their job. Those of you who saved homes great! and I'm sure those home owners are very happy, but risking your life for a house is just plain stupid. It can all be replaced. If you had had all your shit together like you are suppose to and actual prepared for disasters it wouldn't be an issue. I hope people will learn more this time and get there acts together and get all there stuff together so when we do have to evacuate in the years to come BECAUSE WE WILL HAVE TO that people do. Let the firemen do their job. THEY WANT TO GO HOME TOO!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just Wanted to say thank you to the people who are still in Ramona who are taking the Time to Check address for us without information. I cannot tell you how much it has eased our minds to know the house is intact, even when we can't return yet. Its easier to be patient when we know the house is still syanding. Thank you to Jodi who drove by my mom's hon Highlander Drive....That is the Ramona community spirit I grew up with. I appreciate you all very much.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, there are not enough firefighters to fight this disaster!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone give an update on the fire by Santa Isabel? Is the wind blowing our way? Is there anything still burning on Old Julian? Also, how is the WArner Springs area faring with the wind and the Palomar fire. Thanks for any info.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Sentinel should start a separate blog for those who want to write or read complaining and scolding.
Don't y'all think we should keep this to passing along info only? I think the whining and scolding is getting old and is just cluttering up this very valuable communication tool. C'mon guys... let's please keep the information pertinent, not petty.

Anonymous said...

No you should not have that "personal" choice because it will get inb the way and screwe what they ahve been trying to fix for days. It's more hassel for both people who defy the officials and the fire fighters who will have to go back in and re-evacuate people. It takes time away from fighting the fires and keeps us away from our homes longer.

Anonymous said...

I agree that this should be a strict information blog. We aren't getting that much coverage in Ramona, which is another issue.

Lets all hang in there. This will all be over soon and won't have to worry about fires until next year.

Just please listen to the officials so we can return SAFE to our homes.

Anonymous said...

I think if you want to have control of these situations then you should have become a fire fighter, cop, work with the power company or the water company. Since this is not your area of work.....sit back and let them do their job. They have 36,000 people that they have to worry about....not just their home and family. Refocus the energy and do something positive, accept that it is out of our is very uncomfortable to know we don't have control but we need to accept it! We all want to go home but ranting and blaming others for us not being home is not helping the situation.

“The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.”

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We evacuated for public safety and our own safety. It is not PERSONAL choice to return. It is a matter of safety.

We were out of town when the fire started and returned to being evacuated. We could not have gotten to Ramona when we arrived in San Diego Sunday night if we wanted to. We have been out of our home now for over 7 days and in 3 different locations. We would love to return, but not at everyone elses expense....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i called the sheriff's # and reached a kind woman who explained that power & water are the main problems right now - the fire itself seems pretty much under control. I too am anxious to get home, but with no power and no water, I'm with those who believe it will be easier for the emergency crews to get the situation stabilized without 30,000 of us descending on them and complicating things further. Hang in there, folks. Many of us are fortunate to have homes to go to, even if it will take a few extra days to get there. My heart goes out to the people who have lost their homes, I can not imagine what you will go through rebuilding your lives. I can live out of a suitcase for a few more days.

Anonymous said...

From Judy Nachazel
Thank you to the Intermountain Volunteer firemen who saved my home. I'm so sad for the folks who lost their homes. Has anyone heard from Ruth and Ray Barnett on Hihgland Valley?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, let's keep this INFO ONLY PLEASE!
Whining and venting is not appropriate here (as is responding to whining and venting; the complainers probably won't change their ways due to a rational response).
Look for another blog for this stuff please. Maybe a whiner/venter could spend some of their energy starting an editorial blog and leave this blog dedicated to SPECIFIC INFO ONLY!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

my previous post is an updated list of homes that have sustained damage.pdf format.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone verify the that Bob and Linda Denny lost their Home??? I know the Womens Recovery Home was lost, and Greg Rodericks home was lost. But I heard that Bob and Linda lost their home also. Please let me know if this is fact...Thank you and God Bless

Anonymous said...

helicopter crash in ramona all 4 survived. according to the news it was a private helicopter contracted to check on downed lines.

Anonymous said...

The previous link has not worked for me. Here is an updated link to the same page.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I live in Colorado but have been trying to reach his good friend BRUCE POLLOCK for days now. When we last spoke to him Mon. morning, he was not evacuating so we are concerned. He lives by himself on GALERIA CIRCLE but I'm not familiar enough with the area to know what neighborhood or part of Ramona that is. If any of you know Bruce or about Galeria Circle, please let us know if he is alright. Bruce, if you get this message, please call or email Carlos.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of the residents in Ramona. I spent some time down there as a kid with some family friends that are residents. Beautiful community and wish you the best of luck in getting back on your feet.

-Julie and Carlos Galan

oneoldtool said...

Does anyone have an update on
1076 Schoolhouse Road?

Anonymous said...

Again, the fire by Santa Isabel? What is the current situation? Is Warner Springs in any threat from the Palomar Mtn and possible wind shift? If any one can say, please share.

Anonymous said...

My husband Larry and I were evacuated three times, the first from Ramona, 2nd from RB and the third from Scripps Ranch, the home that survived the Cedar fire while my husband's home across the street did not.

I want to compliment the people in all of the areas of evacuation for their patience and concern for addition to our Fire department and volunteers. We are safe, our chidren are safe...the Ramona Sentinel has been a source of comfort as well as the information contained in the blog. When we return to Ramona, my husband and I will be there to help our neighbors however we can. Remember, United we stand, divided we fall! Carole Truesdale

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that. Here is a link that will take you to the link we are trying to give you.
And then on the Right side it will say CONFIRMED DAMAGE AND DESTROYED STRUCTURES

Anonymous said...

Bob & Linda Denny's house did not burn as was reported earlier. The women's recoverey home, however, is toast. After we all get home and situated, please give a thought to how much we all still have and give what you can spare to those who have lost it all.

Any news as to whats burned on Old Julian Hwy? I hope my house is still there. I called the house and the answering maching won't pick up... Hopefully its just the power being out (and all the food in the fridge fermenting...)Hmmm, I guess I could live with that, considering the alternative.

for those who have complaints about Gov't, fire/law enforcement, water district, et al, why don't you DO something about it. Instead of taking up valuable bandwidth complaining. Start a program, vote differently, teach a pig to read... ANYTHING! (gasp)

Courage and hope to you all,
-Jason Morris

Babbie said...

Yvonne Coiner
Looking for my aunt Ruth Townsend who lived in Ramona. We think she is in a shelter. If you have any information, please have her leave a message. We would like to come and get her.

Anonymous said...

To Jason Morris
Old Julian is closed after the turn at Ramona Vista, is it's before that I'll be happy to check for you!

jrtfan12 said...

Here is the most complete information I've seen so far on the damaged properties in Ramona:

Anonymous said...

Juat called SDCE hotel and they were just notified from the water district that 67 was reopening. Not sure what that means, but they still do not have any water pressure in the Estates.

jrtfan12 said...


Here is what got cut off to complete the address

Anonymous said...

We are posting the same link, with some difficulty. Lists about 120 addresses in Ramona, with Minimum, Moderate or Destruction damage status.

Anonymous said...

Jason Morris said:

Thanks annyms, but I live closer to cinnamon rock rd. I guess it's still closed off. Hmmm, Did I leave the iron on?

Anonymous said...

I Believe that link posted above is from the cedar fire

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, it is from the Witch and Harris fire and was published today.

Anonymous said...

I went up Wildcat Canyon from Lakeside. There is a check point at the Tribal Offices (mile marker 7) and another check point at mile marker 8.

While driving that area there is still smoke coming off the sides Wildcat Canyon where the fires were. So, there is still a fire danger since that area was the main concern on Tuesday morning - and it is STILL smoldering 2 days later.

The fires scorched the fields across Wildcat Canyon from the Tribal Offices. The fire came all the way up to road and was stopped there.

I know people want to get back into Ramona and that is understandable. But think about this before you complain.

I personally saw still smoldering areas along Wildcat. What is some of the areas around Ramona flare up just as 30,000 are trying to come back into town and then another evacuation order has to be issued. Talk about a mess and needless lives in danger.

Add to that the water situation. Water is a series thing. The needed back up generators would not have solved anything. Those were in place very quickly. But when a system is drained and shut down as the Ramona one has to be there are very many dangers that need to be addressed. Suppose they let you back in and then an eColi outbreak happens and people needlessly die. What if those health problems carried outside of Ramona and cause a health concern in other portions of SD?

Then there are a whole other host of factors. Emergency equipment needed in Julian. Lack of electricity in some parts. People using the limited water to wash their homes/cars. The list goes on.

No one likes being evacuated but if you take a step back you will realize they are doing it with the best interests of the whole - not just the few.

Hang in there soon. I spoke with the Barona fire chief this morning and they are working diligently to get people back into their homes - but they will not compromise safely nor compromise the safety of those who are putting their lives on the line saving as many homes as they did.

Hang in there.

Pastor D

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the info on Bob abd Linda Jason. I was in a panic when the other person said they lost their home.God Bless you and all who come here with info

Anonymous said...

"Juat called SDCE hotel and they were just notified from the water district that 67 was reopening. Not sure what that means, but they still do not have any water pressure in the Estates."

SDCE hotel as in the San Vicente resort and golf club? I talked to them 5 minutes ago a man at the front desk and he said they were advised that the town of Ramona is priority then the estates but highly doubts that anyone would return today

Anonymous said...

I believe that we should have a special ceremony, or set aside a day this year to honor and recognize the average joes who stayed behind (for whatever reason, bitter people) and are doing reconnasince(sp) for neighbors, feeding/watering, checking things, and helping others who need it. I just called the number on the sentinel website for Jim and Vicky Tate, people who I have never even heard of. Guess what?! This man is going to brave possible danger of fire and police barricades to go past my house to check on my daughters kittens who, unfortunately, were'nt able to come with us when we were evacuated. This is what separates Ramonans from the average "not-my-problem" flatlander down the hill. We are still "small-town" enough to care about each other. That still means something to this guy. Thank you Sentinel, thank you brave volunteers, and thank you Jim and Vicky Tate ...REAL NEIGHBORS!
-Jason Morris

Anonymous said...

Has anyone information on Mike McNulty who lives on Sutherland Dam Rd.

Randall Williams

Anonymous said...

M opinion: As adults, as long as we have no dependents, we should have a right to make a pesonal choice to stay behind. The folks whose bodies were found on Highland Valley Road made their choice, RIP.

If you've got kids, you don't have the right to risk making them orphans, IMHO.

Anonymous said...


Galleria Circle is in the Ryland Rancho San Vicente community. As far as I know there were no homes damaged or destroyed in that area.

The fire came extremely close to homes on the perimeter of the community but we were able to protect them.

Bob V.

Anonymous said...

Called Ramona Water District and they say they were notified 20 minutes ago that the road blocks were coming down on 67 and that any returning residents would be advises that they are returning at their own risk and may or may not have water, which is not suitable for drinking.

Anonymous said...

I have been in touch with Laura Richardson. There house is still there thanks to Tim and she is with Matt and all the animals in San Marcos last time I heard from her.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

is it true are they really reopening the 67?

Anonymous said...

please . . . i live near the high school. we want to know if our homes are still there. looking at some of the maps, im not sure it still is. we are on casteel/ jaybird off of san vincente. it looks like the fire came up behind us on barnett? any news please. we are in vegas and arnt getting much info.

Unknown said...

To: Randall Williams
I heard through friends that rented the house (their home is gone) off Sutherland Dam Rd from him (Mike McNulty) that his house burned as well. I'm not there, so I can't be sure. I also heard that my Aunt's house @ 2215 Pamo Rd burned, but I'm still hoping that my information is wrong. If anyone knows anything please let me know.

Anonymous said...

Is wildcat canyon road open to san vincente? I sure would like to go home!!!! We use well water, not Ramona city water!

Anonymous said...

i just read on that 67 is open to ramona for emergency workers only. they are not letting residents come through. this is according to a new 8 reporter on the corner of poway road and 67. this was reported at 12:53pm. is highland valley open?

Anonymous said...

Wildcat Canyon is only open from Willow to mile marker 7, the Tribal Center. It is NOT open to SV or to Ramona.


The Fire Chief hopes to open more of Wildcat but right now there is still a fire danger and lots of soldering shoulders along the way.

He said MAYBE this evening but most likely tomorrow.

Pastor D

Anonymous said...

any word on the homes on mussey grade road? Have a friend there

Anonymous said...

I would also like to thank Ramona Sentinel. You have been the absolute best source of news for Ramona. The people and business in San Diego has been really good to me. I got discounted everything from rooms to camping gear during this.

The firefighters have been great, and with the wind the fires are almost impossible to put out.

The continued closing of Ramona is just stupidity just a bunch of flak is given for justification. Saying its the water ignores the Estates who have their own water. Saying its the power is ridiculous SDGE can shut down grid any where it wants to conserve power.

Unless its a safety issue all this is just excuses. Its our choice to move back in and boil water or deal with power outages. Up until now their handling of this was great, now that things are calming down they wont let go. I think they just love the publicity and the power.

The politicians need to get out of the way now, and let us get on with our lives.

I want to hear from them how they plan to deal with this the next time. Controlled burns, reduced above ground power.

Anonymous said...

12:53 p.m. - Essential Needs People ONLY, such as SDG&E workers, are being allowed back in to Ramona. The County Office of Emergency Services is denying entry to residents at this time. This is according to a News 8 live report from the corner of Poway Road and Highway 67.

Anonymous said...

My husband just spoke with the Ramona Water district. Road blocks coming down is NOT true. I just heard a woman who attempted to go up 67, get turned back at Poway road by the National Guard.

Anonymous said...

i too am anxious to see if my house still stands. However, it's important that the crew completes their tasks before letting residents back in. That will only add to the confusion and prolong their efforts. You can write to Diane Jacobs and complain. She should have made information readily available, this would have prevented a lot of this outrage.

Anonymous said...

I just heard on the news that Ramona is unsafe - that is BS.


Anonymous said...

Don't expect to be coming home until Saturday the earliest.

Anonymous said...

i think it would be great to hear from someone (dianne jacob comes to mind) as to who really has the final word on re-entry and how the news will be reliably diseminated. obviously there is a lot of speculation, mis-information, and input from our myriad (and beloved!) powers-that-be. no consistent message has been conveyed. seems that would comfort a lot of the understandably confused and disgrunted evacuees.

Anonymous said...

please be patient about coming home. let's get it all up and running safely and then come home. We still don't have water.

Anonymous said...

I wrote a letter and called Diana Jacobs. I'm not impressed with her representation of us!!

There is nothing going on up here. We have no water - SO WHAT! After the Cedar fires we didn't have electricity or anything. At least you can buy bottled water. I can survive without running water!

After the Cedar fires - this whole area was still smoldering and we were ok - nothing is smoldering now. There's absolutely nothing going on.

Let's riot at the 67!!!!! What are they going to do - shoot us for trying to go to the places we own. This deed's in my name - not the County's!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh.. Yeah a riot at 67 would do alot to help emergency workers get their job done.... Get you head out of you a...s

Anonymous said...

Get your head out or your a... Maybe if they moved all the cop cars out of the intersections on the 67 they could be put to better use elsewhere!

They have no reason for keeping us out of our homes except that we are not in Rancho Bernardo. Some of those houses aren't safe but they are back.

By the way where are you?? If you are at home - then you can't even begin to understand what it's like to be out of your house with your whole family for 5 days!!

Anonymous said...

For those asking about Mussey Grade (MG), I live at the intersection of MG & Dos Picos Park Road. I have been in/out a few times and have seen no damage. Per official maps the fire did not touch MG. But I have not driven out to the end.

FYI - Several restaurants/stores were open at various times this week. It was great for those of us rebels who stayed. Cheers, Boll Weevil, Stater Bros, Albertsons, Diamond D - thanks for keeping us supplied.

Anonymous said...

Yea, 5 days out of your house sucks. What about Larry Himal of Channel 8? They show him on TV with his family shifting through smoldering ash of his home. What gives him and his family the right to have full range of there home before the anyone else? Fire didn't burn most of Ramona yet we can't even go back to check on em. Somethings really wrong with that. I have a feeling this Ramona thing is going to be a big news story...cause people are pissed!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe all you people stuck at the bottom of the hill should learn a lesson from those of us who stayed to fight! We are here and watching out for your property as well as our own.

Once you choose to leave your property you give over all authority for its well being to the government. Mandatory, ha! They'll drag me away, kicking and screaming all the way!

Gary said...

I live in Olympia WA and am trying to find out ANY information about ranches on Rancho Ballena Road in Ramona, specifically information about John and Kathy Mallon's horse and llama ranch.
Friends throughout the country have been unable to contact them and any information would be appreciated.
Private email would be greatly appreciated
Gary Kaufman

Anonymous said...

The media does not care about Ramona. All they care about Poway/RB. I do not know why that is, but the coverage and information about Ramona was handled very poorly. Just like with the 2003 Cedar Fire. It was all about Scripps Ranch this and Scripps Ranch that. History repeats itself.

Its still unknown when 67 will be back open.

Anonymous said...

As for Larry Himal of Channel 8 yeah it sucks that he lost his house and all, but getting special treatment is not the way to go just because he works for a media outlet.

ramblingirl said...

Has anyone tried to go up through Highland Valley from Pomerado yet? I assume there is a posted guard there but would like to know for sure.

Anonymous said...

listen... there's no point bitching here on the forum unless you're venting. do something about it. Ramona has a representative, her name is Diane Jacobs. We've entrusted her to make decisions for us. Either follow what she has to say or kick her out and give it to someone else that actually cares.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any info on 21141 Sutherland Dam Rd???

Anonymous said...

I wanted to say that the water in Ramona was not drained because people in ramona left their sprinklers on. That comment blames people in Ramona and says it is their fault for not being able to go home when the truth is that all the airplanes for the fires were taking their water from Ramona and that is why the reserves are low. Please update this information because blaming Ramona residents for no water ir not only harmful, it's downright cruel.

Anonymous said...

just a suggestion to anyone stuck "down the hill"...

go get your vehicle washed before you come home. have a little fun doing it! either go to one of the colored-foam drive-thrus, or have a little spray fight at one of the self-serve places. put a smile on, relieve a little stress and frustration, and come home with a clean car or truck. that way you won't drain the system when you can return!

Anonymous said...

I really would like to see some of this open space that is owned and attached by homes released and allowed to be cleaned up. We have been fortunate that we have escaped both fires, but it is only a matter of time before something happens. Kathy

Anonymous said...

give the guy a break. he lost his house. every job has perks including yours. let's not single him out, it's not going to solve anything.

Anonymous said...

To the family that's in Las Vegas with the home on Jaybird/Casteel everything is still there. The closest the fire came to the area was back near the powerstation on Creelman Lane.

Julie and Carlos Galan I just drove by Bruce Pollock's home and everything there is fine. The garage door was open and cars were in the driveway; you might try calling them again.

My heart goes out to all those that have lost their homes in the fires.

For those of you waiting to come back to Ramona; if you have pets, make sure you are able to get water for them too.

A HUGE THANK YOU to the Sentinel for providing this space for people to ask questions and get answers.

Anonymous said...

not a bad idea to wash car before coming home

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am not at home and have been out of my home for 7 days as I was out of town. We went through this in the Cedar fire as well. If you were there, you'll remember that we were allowed to return only to be requested to evacuate again....

We are all frustrated and would like to go home... Sorry for my nasty comment.

Anonymous said...

Wayne Mosser I've been told that your house is fine! YAY!

tarah said...

Does anyone know anything bout blue horse ranch AKA cheyenne arabians. I am so worried bout them I tried to call but all I get is a busy signal!!! Is that a bad thing?

Anonymous said...

Just a request, for those who are posting please read the previous post first before asking questions.

There seems to be a lot of repeated information given out.

With that said.

How many of you watched in horror on Monday the hill burning behind Mt. Woodson Elementary? Sky Valley Rd was hit hard. I was told that serval homes where lost but don't want to pass along hearsay. Instead can tell you three homes I know who survived the Wilsons, Woods and Hoppertons.

Anonymous said...

i heard qualcomm stadium is giving away complimentary face masks with the chargers emblem for sundays game!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if if Jim & Terrie Bishop's home in the Ramona Trails/Sunset Oaks area survived?
Or, Steve & Patti Grassilli's home near Old Hwy 78/ Littlepage area survived?

Concerned friend.

Anonymous said...

Ok people FOCUS! Everyone is frustrated at this point but all the bitching is doing no good! Let's try to keep this blog for information! PLEASE! Ramona is a GREAT town, let's keep it that way!

Anonymous said...

Frustrations are understandable at times like this; it is good to see that there is someone on this blog that is man or women enough to say, “Sorry for my nasty comment.” Thanks for being a positive example for all of us.

Anonymous said...

If anyone is interested go to the Ramona Soccer League website to learn about what is happening with the league. All games are cancelled for this weekend. Keep your eyes on the website for when practices will resume.

Anonymous said...

only you can prevent ramona fires
"smokey the bear"

Anonymous said...

Just posted on the sdcountyemergency web site. What I don't like is the reference to "next week"!!
Este informe contiene información muy importante sobre su agua potable.
Tradúzcalo o hable con alguien que lo entienda bien.

Ramona Municipal Water District water is possibly contaminated

Failure to follow this advisory could result in illness.

Due to the Witch Creek Fire and loss of distribution system pressure, which created the possibility for contamination to enter the drinking water system, the California Department of Public Health in conjunction with the San Diego County Department of Environmental Health, and Ramona Municipal Water District are advising residents of Ramon to NOT DRINK THE WATER AND TO USE BOTTLED WATER FOR DRINKING AND COOKING PURPOSES AS A SAFETY PRECAUTION until the water system is fully re-pressurized and has been tested to confirm it is safe for human consumption.

We cannot know what types of contaminants may have been introduced into the system until we are able to re-pressurize the system and fully test it. The California Department of Public Health, San Diego County Department of Environmental Health, and Ramona Municipal Water District are advising residents of Ramona to NOT USE THE TAP WATER FOR DRINKING AND COOKING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.

What should I do?

• DO NOT DRINK YOUR TAP WATER---USE ONLY BOTTLED WATER. Bottled water should be used for all drinking (including baby formula and juice), brushing teeth, washing dishes, making ice and food preparation until further notice.

• DO NOT TRY AND TREAT THE WATER YOURSELF. Boiling, freezing, filtering, adding chlorine or other disinfectants, or letting water stand may not make the water safe.

We will inform you when tests show that the water is safe again. We expect to resolve the problem within the next week.

Residents can get the latest information about the status of the fires by visiting the County of San Diego’s Emergency Web site at Residents should call 2-1-1 for all non-emergency calls related to this fire. Residents may also call the City of San Diego Community Access Phone at 619-570-1070 for additional fire information.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me if the homes on Dye Road are ok? I have a friend and her family who lives there and haven't heard anything so hope that means good news. I don't know the area so have no idea how close the fire has come to their home. Can anybody tell me? Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Dye road is fine!

Anonymous said...

i suggest drinking aqua fina...thats some good water

Anonymous said...

I agree, I lived in Ramona for 20+ years and we are always "forgotten" about because we are not that big. I have been watching the live stream video on the net and had only seen about 2-3 reports about Ramona. I do feel sorry for everyone down in Poway and RB but what about the 40,000 people who live in Ramona.
The Sentinel has done a great job in keeping me informed along with a few family members who did not evacuate.
I am sorry for everyone's loss as my family did loose homes also. My mother was only able to get out with the clothes on her back because she was at work when ordered to leave. So those people who want to cry about going home should be happy they have a home to go to. There are some people who have NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

Here is a confirmed list. This was presented this morning at a meeting in Jamul

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on Dye Road...good news! How far are they from the fire tho? Are they all still evacuated in that area as well?

Anonymous said...

wow theres a place called ramona in san diego!?

Anonymous said...

"The Witch fire damaged the water system for Ramona, leaving it essentially without water pressure. With fire conditions still dangerous, officials cannot let people back into a community without water pressure to be able to help protect them given the fire danger, Lane said.

"We'll get you in as soon as possible," Lane said."

Ron Lane, director of the county's office of emergency services
- Posted noon today at

Also from

"Witch Fire: About 197,990 acres burned.

Containment about 20 percent.

Fire suppression cost to date: $5.3 million

Firefighting personnel/equipment: 325 engines, 45 fire crews, 45 water tenders, 22 dozers, a total of 2,619 firefighters

Firefighters injured: 22

Winds in the fire area are still variable with coastal influence returning to valleys as normal weather pattern. Warm, dry and unstable conditions still exist at the higher elevations and the eastern areas of the fire."

Let these people do their job. I know I don't like when novices question me at my job. They have absolutely zero interest in keeping you out without just cause.

Anonymous said...

I would like to take a moment and thank the entire staff of the Ramona Sentinel. We evacuated from
Ramona to Tucson, AZ on Monday. Some dear friend's of ours have been tolerating us and our animals since then. The only local news I've been able to get is from you and for that, I thank you all very, very much!!! I would also like to thank every single person (firefighters, police officers, National Guard personnel, volunteers and anyone who just lent a hand) who has helped save what they could of our community. I am in your debt and humbled by your complete, unselfish willingness to help complete strangers!!! MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!

Anonymous said...

has thier been any more reports of looting in ramona?

Anonymous said...

Wow , Riot 67? That sounds like an idea without merit or chance of positive results. Give me a break.

Thank you to everyone who is verifying address' for damage, thank you to those who are looking out for others animals, and neighbors homes. Thank you to the firefighters (and their families) for all their efforts on our behalf. Thank you to all the folks at the Ramona Airport, who probably have had very little rest. And thank you to the Sentinel For posting updates so frequently. That's the community I remember growing up in!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i just moved to ramona from lousiana and i love it. i thank God every second i get that my house is still there. thank you.

Anonymous said...

i say we all go to mollys and have a drink when this is all over

Anonymous said...

From Chamber of Commerce: Exe director Nelson MacWilliams "Mac" has spoken with SD Sheriffs who have confirmed as of 2:45 Oct 25, hiway 67 will not be opended for 24-48hrs.

Anonymous said...

damn that sucks! looks like im hiking up to ramona,

Anonymous said...

if we hike to ramona we will eventually get home...i feel like an illegal trying to get to america illegally, except im just trying to go home

Anonymous said...

Ihave seen many people here and on the news complaining about not getting back to Ramona. While I completely understand you all want back in, give me a break! The officials and firefighters and all others involved are doing THE BEST they can do. They are trying to be sure your town is SAFE. Give them a break. They risked their lives to save YOUR homes. You complainers DO sound like savages!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know anything about the homes on Susan Place? The Heldenbrands home?

Anonymous said...

one reason is because the people that are already in Ramona keep turning their water meters on after the officials turn them off. pretty selfish if you ask me. it is right that they don't let us in, it will only exacerbate the problem.

Ada said...

I'm just a tad frustrated with the lack of concrete specific details missing in media coverage with regard to Ramona! Please, please, can anyone get us more information. I'd do it myself, but I can't get home. Can someone press the Fire Department for us to get home. I feel abandoned and powerless; is anyone stepping up to the plate to help the citizens of Ramona?? Help!!! As frustration mounts with those of us who can't get home; people will be inclined to take things into their own hands--help them by providing information to calm much jangled nerves and frustrated temperments. Please. Please.

Anonymous said...

For Annie: Ramona Terrace is OK, Most of the Central Town is ok. Houses between Hiway mkt and Wood Meadow Rd burned. Shangrila area, Magnolia and Pine /Washington, Weekend Villa, Black Canyon, Pine Heights and Budweiser hill, Vista Ramona, Highland Valley Rd, Mt Woodson area all got hit. Not all structures were affected, but these were the areas of town that were hit hardest. Central and downtown ramona, the estates, barona mesa and ryland escaped without damage. Next post will be the updated list of burned houses.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know if the homes on Philton DR off Old Julian Hwy made it. I live is SD now but need to see if my parents home is still standing. My father was allowed 10 minutes in the house before they were evacuated. He said he saw the flames approx 700 feet away and 200 ft in the air.

I hope all the residents can get back into Ramona ASAP to assess the damage and possibly get back to a normal life.

The fires are the only thing I don't miss about southern CA.

Our prayers are with you even though they may be from 2000 miles away. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Bravo for those of you who ran the barricade

jrtfan12 said...

OK. I just got back from driving around for almost two hours. Here is a list that probably includes some already listed and some new homes that may not be on the official lists yet:

MedicDCFD - all of Green Glen Road is safe, as is the surrounding neighborhood. Also, Vista Ramona appears to be okay.

Pamo St. - There are three mailboxes in front of a house that have 2215 & 2217 on them. Both houses behind the mailboxes are gone. No addresses out front except for the mailboxes. The grey house with white trim and horses at the corner of Pamo and White Wolf is okay.

Pasqual/Highlands - Unable to access from 78 due to police road block, but visual inspection from Pine St to 78 looks good with no damage that I could see

Pile St - 448 & 534 gone

Hwy 78 - 938, next house past 938, 1441, 1225, 2371, from 24141 to Caesar including 24155, 24179, and 24215 as well as the camp ground office gone, also the house across from the 26441 driveway, 26758, 25180, 24145 are all lost. North Arabians' outbuildings are fine, and the horses appear fine, but the main house is a total loss.

The house at the corner of Santa Theresa and Oakana is gone, as well as 24929, 25008, 25124 (though the horses are fine).

202 Old Julian Hwy is also gone.

I hope this helps put some people's mind to rest and lets others know what the status is. For those that did lose their homes, my heart is with you.

Anonymous said...

Philton Drive looks fine from Old Julian Hwy!

Anonymous said...

Where is Dianne Jacobs now that the tv's are off??? oh yea with the President on airforce one.. Maybe they can air drop some water to people she doesn't care about?

Anonymous said...

im a legal citizen of the u.s. can i get into ramona! i have my green card.

Anonymous said...

i fell in to a burning ring of fire

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Ramona is the only place effected by the wildfires. Guess everyone should drop everything and just let you all into an unsafe place because you ask. Everyone else wanted to get back to their neighborhoods too but THEY patiently waited. Wow, what a bunch of ungrateful people.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know of any backroads in that arent blocked? I feel like a Illegal breaking into my own town!!!

Anonymous said...

if the illegals can do it...we can do it....

Anonymous said...

Take a look at this release.

Anonymous said...

lets build an underground tunnel to ramona

Anonymous said...

I am looking for information on my husband's parent's home on Whirlwind Lane just south of Highland Valley Road. I read one blog that indicated Air Mail Lane was fine...and Air Mail connects to Whirlwind, so I am hoping this means their home still stands. But after googling the address of the 2 that died in their home on Highland Valley near Mt. Woodson, I am still not sure if the Whirlwind property still stands. Does anyone have information about this area?
Thanks so much for the info on this blog, it has been very helpful. Our prayers and hope for recovery in Ramona are with all of you!- Cheryl

Anonymous said...

People ... try calling the Ramona Chamber 789-1311 OMG they have info!!! Found out right away about my home!!! YDS

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard about Ramona Canyon RV Resort 5 miles E on 78?

jrtfan12 said...

Whirlwind Lane is totally fine. We have friends that live there and stayed.

jrtfan12 said...

Is the Ramona Canyon RV resort past Magnolia on the left as you go up before Sutherland Dam Rd? If so, it was pretty badly damaged though I did see intact trailers/campers.

Anonymous said...

will the water be good enough to wash clothes with and water my plants?? let me know

Anonymous said...

From the anonymous person at 3:18pm How long did they have to wait?! One day? It's been 5 days for Ramona residents and they say we have no patience!! Other evacuee's did not have to wait this long, so don't talk about ungrateful people here.

Anonymous said...

thats right!

deb morel said...

If you are frustrated about not be allowed back in to Ramona... Email a productive message to: and copy the news stations. If we can have a loud enough voice... maybe we can make something happen.

Anonymous said...

To the person you called the people of Ramona un-grateful, because they are being barred from their homes for no real reason. By complaining and showing where the problems exist. They have a chance to fixed rhe issues for the next time. Just look at the help turned down by CDF last time which caused a huge lose of homes. If you want the Gov. to tell YOU what do with your home. Then that's fine. But, that's not what I WILL ACCEPT.

Anonymous said...

At least you all are SAFE! Do you want to go back and die later from drinking the water you aren't supposed to drink? IF people had stayed out to begin with, instead of sneaking back in (like my relative did and I mad as heck at them!), then maybe the water situation would be better and you'd all be home by now!

Be thankful the firefighters did the best that they did. If they read these during the fire, they probably would have walked out.


To those that lost your homes, I am truly sorry.

Anonymous said...

My husband has been driving around tring to get into Ramona by 78, 67 and Wildcat. He has tried all back road that he could and could not get in. I feel for all of you that want to go back in. If anyone has more info on when we can come home please let us know.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the response about Whirlwind Lane. We had hoped it was untouched, but couldn't get it confirmed- until now! -Cheryl

Anonymous said...

It's not just having to wait 5 days, it's being lied to over and over again and never hearing any information on the news for 4 days.... I think we've been more than patient. Maybe Diane Jacob should pay more attention to the people who voted for her, than smooching booty with the Governor and Bush. I bet you won't hear any negative news stories about this Ramona fiasco.

Anonymous said...

I read that a Ramona resident rammed a CHP patrol car at the corner of Poway Rd and I-67. This is great!

Anonymous said...

lol rammed a patrol car on the way to ramona...thats hilarious....

Anonymous said...

I wish people would just shut-up and be grateful they have their lives and that most of us have our homes. Take a moment - instead of complaining about not being able to go home, be glad that there IS a home. I really, really want to be back in Ramona too. Have been there for 25 years. It's home. But, I am not going to waste my time complaining and acting idiotic and unreasonable about not being able to be there.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to report, the Bishop's home was lost. Our LDS Bishop gave us the information. They are with her parents in El Cajon.

Anonymous said...

honestly i dont even like ramona...i just live there would still be nice to get my stuff

Anonymous said...

The Ramona water district should have main valves, back up generators, backup pumps and 200% capacity and a qualifyed contingency plan.

They shouldn’t blame the residents for depleting the supply because they have a crappy system.

They have only 3,000 water meters turned off out of 10,000. Sounds like a retarded operation to even consider turning off 10,000 water meters to build up a city’s water pressure. And they said they were going to lock the meters??? Ok Ralph go down to Home Depot and buy 10,000 locks

Large portions of Ramona have been without water since Tuesday because of a power failure at the water district’s pump station in Poway. District efforts to resolve the problem apparently have been thwarted by some Ramona residents who have turned their water meters back on after district employees have shut them off. Some have taken water from fire hydrants.

It’s been ugly,” said Ralph McIntosh, Ramona water district operations superintendent, explaining that efforts to restore water to the entire community will not work if customers continue this. “The bottom line is don’t use water.”

Because the water district has a limited number of employees, the district as of today had only been able to shut off about 3,000 of its estimated 10,000 meters, county Supervisor Dianne Jacob said. Accepting mutual aid from the CWA and other water agencies will put more workers in town to shut off all meters. McIntosh said the meters will be locked.




Anonymous said...

SHUN the person who doesn't like RAMONA! leave!

jrtfan12 said...

Then by all means, get out and leave it to those that do.

I can't believe I spent hours trying to share solid facts and information and all you can do is whine about not getting your way right now. There are reasons you can't get back in right now, you just don't want to hear them. Please try to be mature adults and deal with it.

Anonymous said...

For all of you complaining about not being able to get back into Ramona, below is part of the most recent post on the Sentinel home page regarding why people aren't able to get back in.
The county has ordered 300 portable toilets and more bottled water for Ramona, said Jacob.

“It’s a water problem,” she said of Ramonans being unable to get back in town. “...It’s not because of a fire threat. It’s because of the water situation.”

The county is working to get the 300 portable toilets and bottled water to Ramona as soon as possible, said Jacob.

“The (water) system is running at a limited capacity, very limited,” she said. “If people start using water, the system will go down, because its working at such a low level.”
Now let's take this a step further. As all the people that are currently out of the area come back; and they want to use their home bathrooms, maybe try to flush the toilet and since your water meter has been locked you're not able to, then you'll have an unsanitary condition in your home. Maybe use the trash can in your bathroom for the tp, but what about the waste. But then again you can go to the nearest portable toilet that is being brought in and use that. Oh ya, and showers forget it.

Anonymous said...

Its not exactly alphabetical, but close...;)

ASH LN 20230, ASH ST 440,
BLACK CANYON 1539,1521, 1703, 2212,2039,(2239,8,6,46, 48,47, 45,44,43,42,41,40,39,29,30,49,26, 38,37,36,35,34,80,26,24,22,20, 9,18,16,15,14,13,11,9,7,27,17,32, 94,33,12)
BEECH LN 20215, CEDAR 417,
DATE LANE20120, ELM 546, 1217
HIWAY 78 848, 846, 932,1022,1225, 1411,1040, 1042
LA BRISA 211, LAKE DR 20264, 20278,20116,
2348,2504,2550,606,608, 548,1118, 1200, 1238,1248,1512, 248, 252,354,
1526, 1605,1705 1741, 2017,2019,2129,
OLIVE 1010,1029,

223, 227,456,458, 534,562,744,826,918, 1025,
PENN 111,
PAHL 944, 1020
RANSOM HILL LN 176, 242,259,263,280, RANCHO DEL LADERA 203, 204,

VIA CUESTA 19041, 19074,19185, 19348,
VIA PRIVADA 1202, 1212, 1218, 1232,
19502, 19702, 19774, 19777,1980319831,19985, 19990, 19982,
VIA CONEJO 1104, 1148,
VIA VALLE VISTA 1111,1136,1153,1171

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 3:18
I am greatfull that I have ahome to come home too. I think it's great that your rich or retired and can sit back and relax. I don't have that luxury. I work out of my home and when I'm being barred from it for no valid reason. I can't supply the other itmes I need to care for my family. I can easily deal with the lack of water. But I need to be home now !!!!

Anonymous said...

Well said jrtfan! I've been trying to put pertinent info tolet people know if they stil have homes to come to! Please keep focused people!

Anonymous said...

I hope all these negative smartass comments are really not ramona residents, but they are obviously ashamed of their blogs, they are almost all anonymous. Afraid your neighbors might be upset about all your badmouthing of everyone that is trying to help save maybe just one life, or one house. I am Andrea Hamlin, I have no expertise on fire fighting or public safety, so I trust Dianne Jacobs and I think many lives were saved because of the excellent job everyone is trying to do. So thankyou!!!!!! No one thing or person is perfect. l

Anonymous said...

has the list for confirmed Confirmed Damaged and Destroyed Structures
see link in RED on right hand side of page

Anonymous said...

Senior Center is supplying hot food, some clothing and is currently the central location for donations.

Anonymous said...

Is Highland Valley open from Pomerado to HWY67???

Anonymous said...

Highland Valley is not open

Anonymous said...

Ramona was and still is my home for the past 29 years. I recently moved to Texas but just happened to be visiting in Ramona when the evacuation happened. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is affected by this tragedy. I also want to thank the Ramona Sentinel for their fantastic coverage and all the informative updates. They are doing a wonderful job!

Anonymous said...

Highland Valley at Espola and at Pomerado are closed. Cops are out everywhere.

There is a line of cars on each side of 76 from Poway road to Scripps Poway Parkway. At least 1000 people are there waiting to get in. I don't need to comment on how angry they are.

Does anyone have a damage report for Green Valley Truck Trail besides just "8 to 10 house have been destroyed?" It would be less stressful if we knew the status of our homes. Thanks to all who have helped find this kind of info for us. Good work Sentinel!

Anonymous said...

The problem is that everyone put a wide open sprinkler on their roof and ran like hell Sunday. Now the water district can't get the preasure needed to get the system to work right, so some of them are going to 10,000 meeters and turning them off one by one.
SOLUTION: Let everybody go home and turn off their sprinklers and promise not to use any water until they get the OK to do so by phone.

Anonymous said...

Wow, some of you really should be ashamed of yourself. Selfish thinking only about yourself and what you want - the others be damned.

If you read the first posts of this blog there is a bunch of people talking about how great the Ramona spirit is, neighborhood friendships, etc.

Now look at this thread - whine, complain - me me me me me.

You really should be ashamed of yourselves. Ramming a police is not called for - ever.

The city gains nothing by keeping you out. You are acting like there is some dark plot to keep you from your homes. Maybe an alien landed in town and they want to keep you out.

This blog should be about people helping people - not selfish whines .

Sorry - had to say that after reading several inconsiderate posts.

Once the disaster is over then honest open debate can be undertaken. No one has been lied too. You know why you are not in. Safety of water, safety of electricity, safety of fire. it really is quite simple. You will get in exactly when they feel you can - no sooner - no later.

Now is the time to come together not tear each other apart.

Anonymous said...

For those who were wondering about Jim and Terri Bishop's home... It was lost to the fire

Anonymous said...

Turn on Channel 10

Anonymous said...

As I see, there is one group of individuals to blame for the delay of allowing property owners back to THEIR property and that blame resides with the incompetent Ramona Water District. If they were required to comply with some sort of minimum safety backup systems, we would all be home right now and our pets would be in their back yards.

Anonymous said...

I live out on Little Page Rd were Hwy 78 meets Old Julin Hwy. Sunday as I was painting my bed room I could see the fire starting off in the distance, but the smoke was blowing west and was not coming over my house. After fielding many calls from concerned people checking in I lost power about 1 pm and phones sometime later. I continued to watch the fire get closer to my area but still no threat to me. That all changed about 4-5 pm when the winds blew the fire not only in my neighborhood but right up behind my house. I had already had the truck packed with painting, photos albums and all the things my wife did not get out when she lost her home in the Ceder Fire. The dog and I made a run for it but the only way to go was down the hill behind us to a horse ranch were there were about 50 other evacuees. We stayed there for an hour or two then the smoke became so bad that you could hardly see the front of the truck. In the thick of the smoke you could see a glow that could only be approaching fire. About five minutes later two fire trucks showed up and escorted us out of the ranch and down LittlePage Rd. As we are pulling out of our make shift staging area and driving out, there was fire on both sides of the road and as we approached my house all i could see was fire all around my house and a fire truck in the driveway. We waited again at the bottom of Little Page Rd and Old Julin as Cal Fire assessed if we could go down to Ramona or had to take another way out. The word came that we would be going north to Santa Ysabel and once we arrived at Dudley's we were on our one to go left to Santa Ysabel/Valley Center or up to Julin. As we drove down Hwy 78 there was fire everywhere and embers crossing the road in the winds. At one point the convoy had to stop while two fire fighters had to get out and move a burning tree from the road.

I went back Monday afternoon expecting to find the worse and I did, not so much for me as our house survived with a few small burn areas, but for my neighbors on both sides who lost their home. One of the homes had been on Little Page since the late 1800's and was now just a pile of burnt items.

I have since left Ramona and like everyone else I am waiting on the all clear to go back. I know that it is frustrating waiting to go back and the delays with the water don't effect some of us, but now is the time we need to keep it together and show the rest of the world what Ramona is made of, a country community built on patents and understanding in diversity. The rest of the world is watching, waiting for another Katrina like situation, lets not give them that. As a whole San Diego County has done a great job and I am proud not only to live in San Diego County but to be part of Ramona, one of the best communities in San Diego. Everyone needs to be just a little bit more patent and we will all soon be home, then we can all fight about other things in this disaster, like why did it happen and if it was a downed power line what are we going to do about it and preventing this to happen again with the sunrise powerlink. If you are unhappy about how the "suits" handled this, then do something about it, run for office, join the planning committees, help the Chamber of Commerce. But don't bring problems with out solutions, everyone can say someone else did something wrong after the fact, it's what we as a community can do prior that makes us all better.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody checked the gate on Mina De Oro Rd? If it's open you can scoot around the roadblock on 67!

Folks, this is not the time to be throwing stones.

Anonymous said...

Linda Cunningham

i just moved from the estate this month and my entire house is in storage at alamo storage on corner of 10th and main street. does anyone know if it was burned?

Anonymous said...

The storage yard is fine!

jrtfan12 said...

Everything downtown Ramona proper including your storage unit is fine.

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for the info on storage! all my life's treasures are there. thank you thank you thank you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the annonymous, but I do not have google. Anyway I see a list now for Orange, I am not sure exactly where 2129 Orange is, but I used to live at 2110. Does anyone know if that home had any damage, I just saw it a few weeks ago.

Unknown said...

"Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people." George Bernard Shaw

Let us all remember that when this is over, we need to be unreasonable. We need to make sure that the people and the institutions that exist to serve our needs do so to our satisfaction. Like many of you, I am frustrated and anxious, but now is not the time to be unreasonable.

Anyone know about damage in the Amigos Rd. area? My telephone answering machine picks up, which means my house is still there and has power. I'd still like to know what kind of damage that area sustained.

J.D. Baker

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just want to remind everyone that we need to stick together as the friendly and rational town we want to be known for. Like many others my wife and I are dealing with this very difficult situation while waiting to have access to our home. We are, nevertheless, very glad to hear from those who have stayed behind that there is still a home to go to. Yes, this whole situation is very frustrating but if we keep things in perspective let's remember that there are those for whom there is no longer a home. For most of us this possibly will be inconvenient for another day or two generating expenses we would rather not have or can afford. It's all BAD...but for those who lost a family member, home, friend, or loving pet this is going to be the worst thing that could happen to anyone.

The fire fighters, police and national guard are in harm's way and the last thing we want to do is make it anymore difficult for them then it needs to be. If anything they need our help because ultimately, they are helping us. I'm not saying we need to hold hands and sing "kumbaya" but at the very least avoid being or creating a problem. If anything we need to continue supporting them. They are only doing what our elected leaders are telling them to do. Before we even blame the leadership for anything I say we first get all the facts. If they are all doing the right things, whether we like it or not, then we just need to deal with it. If any of them dropped the ball or are making all the wrong decisions then they need to go. I've said my piece.


Anonymous said...

Amigos Rd area: There are some houses that burned in this area- off the top of my head the one on the hill above the 2-story grey house that has the carpet cleaning trucks in front of it is gone. Going down Amigos rd- not sure.

Unknown said...

Thank you jrtfan12!

Unknown said...

Thank you jrtfan12!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Things would be going so much faster if those who stayed behind DIDN'T open their water meters and skrew the rest of us. WE want to come home too and residents already there are ruining for the rest of us...I haven't been home since Sunday, like many others, and really wish our fellow townsman would help us ALL out instead of using the water system to take a shower...just turn your stuff off, wait it out like we had too and don't disobey by forging your ways back in. Help make this process quicker. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

TIP: Search for street names etc. with "edit" "find on this page on the toolbar. Bypass all the complaining which is not the reason for this blog.
Neither staying or leaving was a good choice.

Anonymous said...

ramming a police car is a big offense. Its not funny. I hope they are prosecuted as they should be. I am proud of all my neighbors that are helping in any way they can . Please fill this blog with any positive stories youve heard. heres one. A ramonan was shopping for clothes and toiletries for famliy and their debit card would not work. the gentleman behind her insisted on paying her 254 dollar bill. She felt strange but accepted, due to need. And she could tell this guy really wanted to help. The guy works at Eagle plumbing out of lakeside. He is a true neighbor.All he wanted was the person to pay it forward. So lets all try paying it forward, instead of being negative. Look around you, asnd find someone to help that is worse off than you. Believe me they are out there.Andrea Hamlin. ps why be anonymous?

Anonymous said...

BTW we voluntarily turned off the water main at our house so that we wouldn't accidently forget and flush or rinse hands out of habit.
See everyone when this is over :)

Anonymous said...

BTW we voluntarily turned off the water main at our house so that we wouldn't accidently forget and flush or rinse hands out of habit.
See everyone when this is over :)

Anonymous said...

Cut the BS. Most of us are on wells dipstick. Even those on municipal water only amount to a drop in the bucket. Do you actually think people are out watering their lawns?

Anonymous said...

Yay for good stories! I saw a couple of girls who had been shopping at Albertsons and had purchased a bunch of water. Black Betty was sitting on the corner and they pulled over and gave her a gallon of water!

Anonymous said...

I just want to say thank you for the people who stayed, I know you are helping to protect my house and prevent looting. I stayed during Cedar and would have stayed this time but was worried about how my wife would cope with car full of animals and how she would worry about me.

I believe in personal choices and dont like it when people with guns and power take it away from me, whether they are right or wrong. I am not a sheep or a cow.

This blog has helped me alot to deal with this emo like also.

However for all those people who think we should shut up go away and trust the officials to do the right thing. Go stick your head in the sand.

Scherer has the intelligence of a parrot. For all of you that believe in the trust and obey form of government then just be happy with what you get. The rest of us have a brain, a voice and live in a democracy, we going to use them to try to get something done.

So everytime we debunk Jacobs argument she puts another spin. First its not safe now its latest being the airport fire department crews want all the water. If you have the meters locked down how can we possibly use their precious water. Oh I'm sorry our water.

There is no plan to get some more water, better than keeping 30,000 people out their homes!!!

I wont be voting for Jacobs either. She is not strong enough to stand up for us in the county.

As far as the water goes we have always been seen as a nuisance to San Diegos water supply. They block our access to the local lakes ,creeks and the water here thinking we will pollute the cities water supply. Now they are locking our water meters.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that people are lined up on 67 from Poway Rd to I8. Are they nuts?

Anonymous said...

the water issue is mute. We are all way too ignorant to comment on this subject. Actually any subject that is pertinent to the situation. Also, I thought blogging was typing your comments. Information is great, but so is expressing your feelings. What is blogging, exactly, cuz I'm not a computer person, I'm sorry if I am misconstruing what a blog is and I will not express my comment any more.So feel free to define blogging if you know.Also, still so many anonymous. What up?We shouldn't say things we are ashamed of. Be proud of who you are, and tell us who you are, so we can praise you for your integrity, if nothing else.

Travelor said...

We are still trying to find out if the senior mobile home park located as 2030 Black Canyon Rd. was damaged. ANYONE?

Anonymous said...

Two websites with good information.

Anonymous said...

The Scherers have given us fabulous information that we would not have otherwise had. I'm glad you are able to use this blog to deal with your emotions, but I for one are greatful to people like the Scherers and jrtfan12 for helping out.

I have been on this blog all day. I grows on you like a cancer. But we really need to be positive and not ugly.

We'll be home soon. (not soon enough) but we have a home to go to and we know that because of the folks that are still there feeding us information. We need a mix of personalities like this to make sure all our bases are covered.

Thank you all

Anonymous said...

I heard from someone that is still there that it is ok. But I can not make sure of that because it is hearsay from a third party.
I hope the best for you.

Anonymous said...

"Black Betty was sitting on the corner and they pulled over and gave her a gallon of water!"

WOW She is still around!

Anonymous said...

Why are you complaining? Just wait in the shelters for 5 more days. You all should just be punished for being upset for this situation. Ungreatful hicks!! My house could have burned down too. Lucky for me, people care more about my town then Ramona. Now, I need to get back to my mansion in Rancho Santa Fe. My butler is complaining about smoke...freaking whinners!!

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful about Betty, She really is a good person

Anonymous said...

%:54 commenter You are a sick person, Your kind are not funny.... Please respect others especially at this time of need. simply discusting

Unknown said...

This is a great forum, but I recommend we all include our names. If you can write it down, you can stand behind it - by including your name.

Also, the most frustrating part of this situation is not having any idea when we can get back in. At one point I heard we would get in "today" and an hour later "next Tuesday". Someone at the county can make an educated guess better than all of us hearing it through the grapevine.

I believe Diane Jacob needs to get us some information. If we just knew what to expect I think most of us would be able to deal with the situation.

I left a message for Diane Jacob's office to have one of her staff members post an update on this website and get us some information. That should be possible and would make people a lot happier.

Thanks, Tom Ramsthaler

Anonymous said...

The word is 24 to 48 hours before getting back into Ramona, according to the Sentinel

Anonymous said...

to ranchsantafe blogger. Anonymous comments are obviously jokes. If you really think ramonans are all hicks, than why bother with the blog? Just to piss us off. Save yourself, leave this blog sight or give your name. You obviuosly have nothing better to do than put peolpe down ewhen they are already there. Take all your money and stuff it in your mouth, or send me some. I could use it to feed my children, andpay my mortgage. Ive lost a lot but I am done being angry at you, I forgive you.But please stop .I didnt mean to get negative, so I'll stop now.Andrea h

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